Everybody knows that reading is important but have you ever wondered why is it so important? Read the article below and find out more details about our ISD library and all the value that it brings into our work!
Reading is important for a variety of reasons. Let’s take a look at some of those fundamental reasons below.
First of all, reading is important because it develops the brain. The brain with all its functionalities is a muscle and it needs to be trained. By reading, we manage to maintain it in good shape.
By reading we can also discover a lot of new things and we can educate ourselves in any domain we are interested in. We live in an age where we overflow with information, and reading is the best way to be up to date and to take advantage of it.
Reading develops the imagination and the creative part of the brain. You can go wherever you want and be whoever you want while reading a good book. The ideas written down have changed the destiny of the world for better or worse because of the unstoppable flow of ideas.
At ISD, we encourage reading and promote it in our company. In order to cover all the necessities, we ensure for our colleagues both technical and non-technical books. We also have a wide variety of paper and ebooks to choose from. Furthermore, in order to cover all the needs and desires, depending on their career level, our colleagues can suggest a different amount of books per year.
Let’s see what our colleagues have to say.
Meet our team mate, Constantin Harea, who besides being an amazing Java Developer, is in charge of organizing and maintaining our library up to date. This makes him an amazing librarian, too:
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“It’s been almost 3 years since I took up this responsibility. It started with the intention to do something useful for the company besides the main duties, and it turned out to be a pretty interesting thing to do.
As a librarian, I keep track of both physical and electronic books. Also, from time to time, based on my colleagues’ suggestions, I fill up the shelves with new books.
The most interesting and useful thing in this activity is about being up to date on the latest book releases. On the other hand, one thing that I find quite challenging is motivating my colleagues to visit the library more often.
Since it’s related to our daily job, of course, technical books are more popular. Taking into account that electronic books have quite some advantages over physical books, this is the preferred reading method, even though there are people here in the company who enjoy reading physical books, as well.”
Let’s read some interesting ideas and useful recommendations from our colleague, Nicolae Sîrbu, a committed Java Developer and a book lover:
“If we are talking about books, I’m not a very active reader. However, I’m trying to get my hands on a book every two months. When I choose a book, it’s something either programming related or a thriller/mystery novel. For a programming book, I often rely on my coworkers’ recommendations or the Internet. For other types of reading, most of the time – the title of the book is the one to convince me to read that book or not.
On a daily basis, however, there are lots of articles posted on the Internet which can’t simply be ignored, and even if I don’t need to know much about a particular subject at the moment, I put that article on the ‘To Read’ list. It is important to be up to date with all the technology ‘boom’ that we are facing.
Reading is useful, apart from learning something; it also develops your ability to concentrate and helps enrich the vocabulary. In addition, anything that you read in a book can become a topic of discussion with your colleagues. Given that we, as programmers, spent most of the time in front of the screens, a physical library in the company is very welcome, thus reducing our exposure to the blue light. Thumbing through a book gives you much more pleasure than swiping on a screen.
The most interesting book that I have ever read is ‘Head First Design Patterns‘ by Elisabeth Freeman and Kathy Sierra. The patterns are very well explained and the content itself is written in a very simple manner. Every time I want to recall how a certain pattern needs to be implemented, I come back to this book.
Some programming books that I would recommend are:
- Effective Java by Joshua Bloch, all three editions;
- Soft Skills. The software developer’s life manual by John Sonmez;
- Clean Code. A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship by Robert C.Martin.
Moreover, if you like thrillers, then have a look at Dan Brown’s novels, you won’t regret it.”
Leaders are readers
As Napoleon Bonaparte himself said: „Show me a family of readers, and I will show you people who move the world”.
We support our colleagues and we put a lot of effort into providing growth opportunities for them, developing both teamwork and leadership skills. On the same note, it is well known that leaders are readers because reading and learning within and outside your industry enables you to grow, challenges you and develops your ability to think, both creatively and logically.
It doesn’t matter if you are reading paper or ebooks, within or outside your niche books. What really matters is to read and to learn something new as often as possible and to always be hungry for knowledge.
What was the last book that you have read?
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