Decision Makers

A survey for CTOs, CIOs & CEOs
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Share your opinion with us!

Are you a CTO, CIO, CEO or a tech leader that plays a major role in the decision-making process when it comes to software development resources, management etc.? Then, we would love to know about your challenges!
This survey aims to identify the struggles of tech leaders and tech decision-makers related to software development, but also insights of third-party collaborations. It will help us understand better the needs and concerns of our audience.
Your time is valuable and there is no way for us to compensate it. But as a “thank you” for sharing your opinion with us, we would like to share with you one Bottle of Moldovan wine. We hope you will enjoy it once it reaches you. Thank you.
Connect with us
De Amfoor 15, 5807 GW Venray-Oostrum, The Netherlands
+31 6 212 94 116
Bulgara Street 33/1, Chisinau MD-2001, Moldova
+ 373 22 996 170

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